Tuesday, August 12, 2014

SNEA Leadership Welcomes You Back!

It doesn't take long for the sounds, sights and feelings of summer to fade and be replaced by students' questions, parents' e-mails, principals' requests and colleagues' ideas.
You have prepared your working space, whether it is the main office, gym, classroom or library. That space is also where your students are engaged and discover more about themselves and their world. I want to thank you for all the time you have already put into orchestrating the best space possible for them and for yourselves.
The photo above was taken after SNEA hosted a New Teacher Lunch for all the new hires in SPS. Most of your executive board came to meet and greet the new teachers and to share their personal stories of what membership in SNEA has meant to them.
As I look forward to the 2014-2015 school year, I know that there will be legislative issues we'll need to understand in order to fight together against them. There will be questions you have about how to best implement the policies and procedures of our district. We'll partner together to utilize the best professional practices to meet all of our students' needs. You'll make suggestions that our bargaining team can bring to the negotiating table. We'll have meetings that help determine a positive level of professional support as we each work to improve our teaching skills.
Most of all, as I look ahead into this school year that has now arrived, I see the wealth that SPS has in their best asset; you. Thank you for coming to work each day, greeting your students with energy and developing trusting, sharing relationships with your colleagues. I truly believe that it is you and the students you teach, who make this the best place to work in the whole state of Missouri.
Kittilu Maxson
4th grade teacher/on leave
SNEA president

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